Billy Porter’s “LGBTQ State of the Union” Is A Strong Glimmer of Hope

Billy Porter countered Trump’s State of the Union address by giving his second “LGBTQ State of the Union” speech.

Just hours before Trump gave his State of the Union speech on Tuesday, Billy Porter gave his own 8-minute version of the event with the “LGBTQ State of the Union.” In the Pose star’s address to the nation, which follows the one he gave last year, Porter stood between a pride flag and a U.S. flag while he talked about the threats that have faced the LGBTQ community since Trump took office.

“Donald J. Trump has painted himself as a friend of the LGBTQ community while revealing his true colors at every malicious turn. For some of us, each day under this administration has been a matter of life and death,” Porter said.

Policies like banning transgender people from the military and the increase in hate crimes the community has been on Porter’s radar during his speech. He also mentioned the implications of Donald Trump being elected for a second term, after this first one was something the country “survived.” But Porter used the second half of his speech to highlight the good that’s happened, like the legalization of gay marriage in Taiwan and Ecuador. 

Watch the full address below, and be inspired by Porter’s unwavering confidence and words.

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