Dior presents Conversations with Craftsmen, the men who dedicated their lives to their passion
Sauvage is celebrating the harmony and creativity of authentic craftsmen who completely dedicated their art to exceptional expertise.
What is Sauvage? Is it a scent? A state of mind? A philosophy?
Sauvage is not only about wild lavender’s field and beautiful landscapes, it is about all the story that comes from it. Craftsmen developed their passion and explained their journey through the sensory experiences. Sounds, smells and color merge together in the memories of an artist, and Johnny Depp is revealing himself with sincerity, and heart.
The first guitar, the scent he spread himself without knowing what it was, as a ritual in his first concert dressing rooms, the rock and Gainsbourg, all these sensory journeys evoked past moments and shared memories.
“We travel by the emotion that you get from the scent… It’s kind of a beautiful, very abstract way of traveling emotionally” entrusted Johnny Depp, like the melody of the scent.
Philippe Soguel, a French lavender distiller explained how he developed and gathered small parts of the fields into one smell and produce polished and made-to-measure lavender. The fresh and enveloping smell of lavender, described as a “mountain plant”, and his seek to perfection is developing a high-quality product of which its main characteristic is altitude.
James Trussart, a Frenchman living in Los Angeles conceive and create steel-bodied guitars prized by the greatest rock stars. This time, he designed a customized marvel exclusively for Johnny Depp.
Sauvage is also the conversation between François Demachy and Johnny Depp, two minds, who freely discussed their creative inspirations.
It is probably between a guitar riff and the splash of some scents drops that we perceive the true nature of Sauvage.