threeASFOUR’s Fashion Takes Center Stage of New York Fashion Week
These avant-garde looks embody androgyny in men’s fashion.

If you are looking for a statement piece look no further. While being no stranger to the avant-garde, threeASFOUR took their fall fashion show to the next level. The show featured a rainbow of monochromatic looks starting with red then orange, yellow, green, blue, and ending with purple to represent the seven chakras. This collection centers on unity, both of the self and of the world. Fabrics displayed swirling patterns akin to your latest acid trip that helped highlight the monochrome of the outfit. Each color story features a slightly different pattern that mimics something in nature. These swirls were combined with 3D fractal prints that added volume and character. Looks combined skin tight bodysuits with flowing tops and capes, with additional accents like high shoulders. threeASFOUR combined art and fashion to create pieces that were androgynous and over the top. They also used a heavy degree of nude meshing, particularly in legging to create curvature in the legs.
But let’s not forget the accessories that complement the look. Each model wore an identical pair of platform boots colored to match their outfit. The show displayed a series of over-the-shoulder bags all with a slightly different cut. Some outfits were complemented with over-the-elbow gloves, while others remained minimal in terms of accessorizing. threeASFOUR, which functions as a collection of artists and designers, created a cohesive vision for the future.

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